
Bieber, Burlesque, Wichita.

I had 3 dreams in one night and the main words I could remember were Bieber, Burlesque and Wichita. I don't remember the Bieber dream now, but Lisa was at a Golden Globes type event, possibly an after-party, or red carpet, and was posing for photographs with the cast of Burlesque. Then I was at school and needed a camera urgently. An attractive blonde young man with an earring said I could use his. I asked his name and he said "Wichita".


I was and my Nan and Gramp's. My Uncle Michael was there. There was a drum kit. I had headphones on. I drummed along to a Pink Floyd song. It sounded really good. Then I wouldn't play in front of my Dad.

March 11


Craig Carmichael was going to have a shower in a house next door to Seth MacFarlane's. Seth asked me to design 2 posters. I showed them to him and he didn't like them. He said to go shopping, I took orders from Mila and David. In the store I was getting things from the list, which were cake ingredients.

Feb 11

You have until September.

I was at Nan and Gramps. I was then in Mickefield somewhere, Mila had a big house there. 'Trouble' came to the house and we all left in the Range Rover. We were near my old school Kingswood when we were stopped by police. I was taken back to Mila's house. Two girls told me I have until September.

Feb 11

Art teachers in Tesco.

I was in Tesco and saw Mrs. Shed. I said I'd been in the week before (meaning the art rooms) and she asked why I hadn't said hello. I didn't tell her that I only spoke to Mrs. Woods. I think she knew.

Feb 11

Hayley, Mum, Black Labrador

Hayley and Mum were in the field by Aylesbury Road with a black Labrador. It had a kink in it’s tail, the tail went along it's back.

Feb 11

Steve Taylor's house.

I was in Steve's bedroom with Steve and a friend of Hayleys. I used Steve's shower, he and his sister fixed the shower radio and put the shower on for me.

Jan 11