
Driving car, hands tied.

I was in a car that was moving forward out of Tesco car park and onto the Aylesbury Road. The seat was far forward. I was almost touching the steering wheel with my chest, my hands were tied behind my back and I couldn't brake.

Steph and some other Tesco staff were on the hill out of Tesco car park looking at me driving away and asking what is he doing? He's going to die.

Car crashing.

I was stood on a motorway. I was literally in the first lane. And I caused a car crash. Then cars kept on piling into the back of the crash. All I could hear was BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. every second, and I couldn't do anything about it. Then I woke up.



I had a dream I went out on a pier for miles with a group then there was a room at the end of the pier and you step down and go along some more pier and then we had to go down into the ocean. and there was huge waves but not waves yet, you know where the water is rolling...huge.. it was terrifying, i said 'i'm not going down', then they forced me and had to rescue me.


Charlie Chaplin

An old man with shaved grey/white hair was staying in Mila's room. We were watching a film with him and another guy in the screening room which was where Mila's office is. The movie finished and the lights went up and I looked over and realised it was Charlie Chaplin. He was wearing a velvet blazer with 4 pin badges on the left side. They were 4 crescent moons in different sizes. The biggest also had pearls etc on it. I sat and listened to him talking about the film thinking about how much I loved the 4 moon pins.

We were then at a school hall, much like the sports hall at Misbourne. The room was very dark, as black sheets had been placed all around the edge and middle of the room, hanging from the cieling. There was a couple of hundred children sitting cross-legged on the floor to the right. They were listening to somebody talk. The person finished talking, the black curtains moved upwards and Charlie Chaplin was sat in the shair. The other man who was in the screening room was sat to the left side of the room. I watched the whole thing from a staircase halfway up the wall at the side of the room. Stairs went down to the left and down to the right.

I then was using the toilet and making really loud noises. I heard else somebody upstairs and it turned out to be an actor. He looked like Frank Spencer but he was an American actor. He opened the door. I was so embarrassed. I told him that I thought it was somebody else and that the noise was just a joke. He smiled and closed the door.

I woke up, let Audrey the dog outside to pee and then came back to bed. I had another dream but I've unfortunately forgotten it.


Long Journey/ Grandparents' house intruder.

I had to drive some people a long way. I went to the car and it was Mila's Range Rover. I drove it for some hours until I arrived at my grandparents house. Then we were transferring to a smaller car. I went inside and discovered that there was an intruder in my grandparents' house. He looked a bit like the new homeless guy who sits outside 'millions of milkshakes' on Santa Monica Boulevard. He wouldn't leave and we decided it was time to call the police. I went to the phone at the bottom of the stairs, my Grandad stood beside me. I paused to think. My grandad wrote 911 on a piece of paper. It confused me and I figured out that I need to call 999 because I was in England.

Model Pool.

I was in a swimming pool. It was my birthday and the pool was full of male models. I was with David, and David thrusted me towards Rory Torrens who was at the edge of the pool. Rory Torrens opened his arms and cuddled me.

West Hollywood Bear

I was driving up San Vincente. The Pacific Design Centre would be on my right but it was some normal small buildings. I saw cars pulling over and people looking at something. There was a young brown bear running around on the sidewalk. I took a right turn to find somewhere to park. I couldn't find anywhere. I took another road, parked, got out of the car and then got lost trying to find San Vincente.


Zayn, Car Crash

I dreamt I was in High Wycombe Tesco. David and I were shopping. We split up. The store was almost empty. Downstairs near the sweet aisle I saw Zayn Malik. I walked quickly to David and told him. We went to find him.

Then we were upstairs near the lifts sitting at a table with Zayn and some other members of One Direction. I was on the end then Zayn, then 2 more, then David. I was getting on really well with Zayn, we were laughing and seemed to be flirting. Then we got in a playfight and were pushing each other holding each others muscles. We walked around a bit before he had to leave.

Then I was in a car driving with my grandad. A police car went past us and we drove ahead and were some of the first people to the scene of a car crash. There was bodies covered in blood. I said to my grandad we should just be glad we weren't the first to get there.

Then I woke up.
Then I went back to sleep and managed to be back in High Wycombe Tesco. I was looking for Zayn but I only found some relatives from Cornwall.

At one point I was also trying to explain how brilliant the Phillipines light bottle idea was, with a piece of metal in a shed, but I've forgotten who to.


Tonight only

I've forgotten so many dreams recently, but last night's was too good not to immediately record.

A cross between Jake Gyllenhall and Rocky got me a ticket to see Eric Clapton. The venue seemed to be in San Francisco. I sat outside in a car with somebody. A coyote walked around the car, I scared it away.
Inside the venue was like the Hollywood Palladium. I didn't want to be at the side in VIP, I wanted to be in the front middle but I went to the side with Jake and the others anyway.
I needed to use the bathroom so I went upstairs before the show started. Upstairs was just like the Legion in Risborough. I went back down and we were all around my laptop watching a movie before the show started. All of a sudden, lots of porn videos begun opening on my laptop, I closed them and restarted the movie. I didn't realise but the show was starting and the room was dark. All you could see and hear were my laptop.

I closed the laptop and fog filled the stage. A hologram of Eric Clapton from the 80s walked out and began covering Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. Behind the hologram was Jesus, like a walking painting, and behind him was today's Eric Clapton. 80s Clapton started to play the piano, and then Nick Mason the Pink Floyd drummer started to play harmonica, and he also had a mouth harmonica inside his mouth which he would sometimes use with or without the handheld harmonica.

The song was just getting going when a truck's reversing beep woke me up.

James Franco also appeared in the start of the dream but I don't remember much other than hugging him and being friends with him.


Shopping in LA.

I was in a shop that seemed to be a cross between an Urban Outfitters and a warehouse type place. like the fashion warehouse in Nottingham. They had about 1000 various bags, laptop bags, shoulder bags, all of them flat, all with nice patterns, checks, etc. I found a great one I loved, a kind of red check and it had another bag inside with a nice pattern perfect for my laptop. The staff told me they were moving the stock around. I put the bags back on the pile to let them move them, and then I couldn't find the bags I liked. I looked and looked. I think I was shopping with David and Tyler and I think that I thought Tyler took the bags.

Then I was in a car that I think was a new mini. We were trying to drive to another store. I drove down the ramp onto the freeway the wrong way. I stopped the car and was arguing that I was following David's instructions and that I didn't want to make him angry!

Dailymotion Hollywood Sign

I had a dream we were in a house near the Hollywood sign. I looked up and the sign said 'Dailymotion'. Then I realised the real sign was at an angle to the sign that said 'Dailymotion'.

I think it was Dailymotion though it seems to random to be true. I don't remember the last time I looked at a Dailymotion video. But I have recently seen a Hollywood sign -then and now slideshow.

I'd recently watched a tv show about songwriting showing Guy Chambers at his house near the sign.


Dream notes

Sometimes I will come across notes, where I have planned to write down my dreams later in the day. These are some I have no memory of writing down.

Granddad, Stephen

Johnny depp

Mailing in monks

I also found these, but I can remember what they were in relation to:

Davids Mum - We were all sat on an L shaped sofa. Nobody was speaking. It was the first time I'd met David's Mum and she broke the ice and said something funny, but I don't remember what. Something about what I was wearing maybe.

Cat legs - I looked over and saw a cat but only it's legs were showing. It was sat, and it's front legs appeared to be floating.

Family visit LA

My family came to LA. I was showing them the house, the bathtub had a viewing window in it it was so big. We went on a walk, it seemed like Runyon Canyon. Uncle James took Wayne's bike from the bridge. We all were walking home when he forgot he'd left the bike at the bridge, then he came back with a different bike and was riding fast in case somebody realised it was theirs. Mum was back at the house. Jack was there but not Luke.


Died, met Andy Warhol.

I was in Tesco in High Wycombe with my grandad. I was looking for some chocolate leftover from Easter, I had 4 things but he wanted to pay already so I asked him if he would get them for me. Then I went to look at the boxes of chocolates. The shelves I was looking at with the chocolates on, was then a skip full of junk. I was looking through it with some other people and it was stuff from a funeral place. We were lifting up boards and a board had my name on it. Jas Little. I picked it off and put it in my pocket. Then my grandad found me and I showed him but it said Jas Lit and I was annoyed I hadn't got the full name.

Then I was at a party. It was outside at night time. Various people were there. David was smoking. I noticed the stars were spinning and the moon kept going across the sky again and again. More people started to realise and we were worried what was happening, then it stopped and I walked out of Liz Taylor's house over to a stand with a lady behind it of Andy Warhol stuff. Then he came over and said 'what are we going to give him?'. He pulled a box across the table to me and I had a look through. It was full of Warhol prints. I asked if they were actual prints and they were. He said to take a few. I couldn't believe it. I said 'and I was going to get you to sign this' and it was a really bad print I'd made. I screwed it up and put it in my pocket. The box also had some things people had given Warhol. There was a sticker that said 'ask the store worker and he will quit gay porn'.

Unfortunately I don't remember what the Warhol prints were of.


Plane landing on ferry near train station.

I was on ferry facing High Wycombe train station. A new plane was about to land. The red arrows did a small show first, and then the new plane came guided by smaller military planes. The new plane looked like a shiny spitfire. The plane slowly hovvered above everybody moving forward beneath a bridge on the ship. It's engine were those roaring flame style ones at the back of the plane.

Yesterday I'd seen the Taiwan army training their planes to land on the motorway, on the BBC news website.


Kitchen, Theatre with photographers.

Mila was telling a lady that the reason the kitchen smelled so bad was because I left stuff lying around for days. She didn't realise I was beside her and didn't expect me to start shouting. I said that it wasn't me and that I always clear up after myself.

I was with a group of people who were doing a range of drugs.

I was outside the back of a theatre. There was a mixture of cars and picnic tables. The back of the theatre was glass and we could see the crowd and somebody speaking on stage. My friends from school were all photographers. We didn't have tickets but were about to try and go inside when I saw Richard Ive's mum. I told her that my digital camera had stopped working and that I mostly shoot on my film camera now. She told me about how James tucker was selling a camera online for £18,000 and that he wanted a £500 online fee too. I think inside was a mixture of an orchestra of old men and kermit puppets.

The kitchen smells a bit. We recently watched the Sherman Brothers story and almost went to see Sesame Street be filmed, and in January met Kermit, and yesterday was at a theatre, so it was probably a combination of those things.


Man A + B

I dreamt that man A was sat by the fireplace downstairs, and then man B came across from the kitchen and man A said 'hey, we're just hanging out', then man B went into the bedroom and came back with other men and one had a baseball bat and chased man A out the garage. then i was walking down the road with him talking about it.


Bieber, Burlesque, Wichita.

I had 3 dreams in one night and the main words I could remember were Bieber, Burlesque and Wichita. I don't remember the Bieber dream now, but Lisa was at a Golden Globes type event, possibly an after-party, or red carpet, and was posing for photographs with the cast of Burlesque. Then I was at school and needed a camera urgently. An attractive blonde young man with an earring said I could use his. I asked his name and he said "Wichita".


I was and my Nan and Gramp's. My Uncle Michael was there. There was a drum kit. I had headphones on. I drummed along to a Pink Floyd song. It sounded really good. Then I wouldn't play in front of my Dad.

March 11


Craig Carmichael was going to have a shower in a house next door to Seth MacFarlane's. Seth asked me to design 2 posters. I showed them to him and he didn't like them. He said to go shopping, I took orders from Mila and David. In the store I was getting things from the list, which were cake ingredients.

Feb 11

You have until September.

I was at Nan and Gramps. I was then in Mickefield somewhere, Mila had a big house there. 'Trouble' came to the house and we all left in the Range Rover. We were near my old school Kingswood when we were stopped by police. I was taken back to Mila's house. Two girls told me I have until September.

Feb 11

Art teachers in Tesco.

I was in Tesco and saw Mrs. Shed. I said I'd been in the week before (meaning the art rooms) and she asked why I hadn't said hello. I didn't tell her that I only spoke to Mrs. Woods. I think she knew.

Feb 11

Hayley, Mum, Black Labrador

Hayley and Mum were in the field by Aylesbury Road with a black Labrador. It had a kink in it’s tail, the tail went along it's back.

Feb 11

Steve Taylor's house.

I was in Steve's bedroom with Steve and a friend of Hayleys. I used Steve's shower, he and his sister fixed the shower radio and put the shower on for me.

Jan 11


Living in the past.

My grandad was driving me somewhere. We were following his car in the past, my old housemate James and me were sat facing backwards. We were drunk and singing to a song and put our arms around each other. I wondered what else we were going to do. Then my grandad and I were watching me and James on the satellite navigation screen in the car. We were flicking through camera angles but couldn't find the camera on the back of the car. We pulled up to a red light and the camera had stopped working. The other car was behind us. My grandad said 'I'll fix it' and got out and went to the car behind. I couldn't believe he had got out on the busy road. The camera was mounted on the corner of the other car and had bent outwards. He bent it back in so it was pointing at me and James. My Uncle Michael looked out of the car door and saw a silver Ford Granada, and said 'oh that's his old car isn't it?' Then he got back in and we drove away.



I was at a restaurant with David, Mila and I think Shannon. When it came to paying, the lady said that somebody had already paid the bill. The name was something like 'bigdick8'. Everybody went to leave and I almost left with my stuff, including my t shirt. As I put on my t shirt I realised even the camera was still on the table. Then a man stood up and began talking to me, in a very stalkerish way. Then I went to find the others and this man convinced someone to go in a car with him. They were doing cockney accents.


Grandparents, School, Airship.

My grandparents were driving me home from school. We seemed to go all the way around the roundabout at the bottom of Cryer's Hill towards Hughenden.

I was then back at school. As I walked in I did an impression of Mr. Cotter. He then shouted something a few feet away from us. People found my impression funny. We then went into the old drama room to the right of the school entrance. Chairs were set out and it was assembly. Some of my friends wouldn't go in, so I went and found a place down the front on my own. Afterwards I went to the front near Mrs. Smith's desk. I was looking for my shoes. She looked at me and asked how I was. I suddenly became quite emotional and burst out crying. I cried into her shoulder. She cried into mine. Then I continued to look for my shoes. I ran up past the nurses office under the bridge and there were some rucksacks and shoes in a pile but none of them were mine.

Then I was on an airship. David and Sax were on board. David and Sax had a disagreement and I said it's not the place to have a disagreement. David almost left the room through curtain before I reminded him we were in the sky. Then David and Sax were gone. I was on the ship with a lady who was telling me about the ship. I was listening to her and looking out of the window and I noticed an American school bus flew through the sky. I looked up and there seemed to be a bus station. It looked like a train station in the sky. I asked her and she explained and I realised it was normal. Then we landed in a car park. Annoyingly I've forgotten which car park. We let the air out of the ship and some teenagers though it was funny to jump all over it. I went over and they respected me and got off. I then rolled up the ship and there was a girl lying in the way, where I wanted to fold. I folded the ship over her face then lifted it off.


Moon, Brendan.

The goldfish we bought flew me in a rocket to the moon. I was wearing a space suit and could see my feet on the moon and the view of space. (Fisheye view.)

Brendan cooked a full English breakfast for my cousin Jazmine who said she ate it in the shower.


Photographer teaches music.

Photography tutor Andy Cantouris was teaching me Music in the old Virgin Megastore in High Wycombe.


My Grandparents, Yeasayer, Elton John, Barbara Windsor, Zac Efron, James Beasley.

My Nan and Grandad were driving home from either Weymouth or uni. Then they were watching themselves on a screen that said this is where they nearly crashed, the hub cap on the wheel seemed loose. The car that's filming drives past and you see nan is driving.

Then I was in an old school hall (like Berryfield). There was a music festival on the stage. I was on what seemed like the top of a bunk bed with Arran and people from school. Everyone had ipods and things out. The next band up was Yeasayer. Suddenly I was at the front and I noticed Elton john was sat on a chair in the front of the crowd and his legs were crossed up on the stage and he was dancing in his chair to Yeasayer. I leaned to my left to say to somebody 'oh my god it’s Elton' and then I looked to see their reaction and I was telling Elton. He began to walk back to his seat and I said 'oh my god I didn’t realise it was you! Can we come down the front with you?' So I went down. Then all of a sudden I walked past him onto the stage and benches were set out. I looked back and help Barbara Windsor up onto the stage. It was a wedding. Her bra had started to come out of her top and gotten twisted. I said 'oh Peggy'. And she slightly drunkenly repeated ‘oh Peggy’ and I said 'oh sorry I meant Barbara!' We sat down and Zac Efron was on the row in front of us. I had left my 3d camera at the back on the bed. I went back but had forgotten what it was I was looking for and thought it had been stolen. I saw other people’s stuff and thought I should take it in case it got stolen too. Then I saw my pictureviewer, I think I remembered that instead of my 3d camera. I went back and sat on the bench and then James sat beside me to my left. And I said 'oh my god you made it!'


Wedding Reception, Flower Arranging.

I was walking into a wedding reception with Mila. They staff said our tickets allowed us into the reception only, not the parties. (Like an award show). Mila said something like 'it's ok I'm talent.' We walked down a long long room and sat at a table with two old men. Usually the Mum and the bride go and watch tv during the reception but they couldn't so the bride and groom's Father's went. Most people had bought flowers. And they were making sure they would know who from. One lady put her flowers down with a sandwich board on top with a photo and info about who they were from. I saw people putting them all into a room of the hotel. I imagined the things you could do with 50 bouquets of flowers and went to the room to arrange them. Then when I picked up a couple, I was in a room in their house. I was going to move them into a room there but there was too many and I decided to go back to the reception. My Uncle Simon was there and I made a joke about you know me and flower arranging.
Then I was in a party with people from school and other people that age. There was a pool and everybody had been drinking. I then went over to Ben Grey and Richard Ive and made a breathy laugh, I was making fun of Richard's laugh.


Rooftop Restaurant. London Underground.

We were at a restaurant on the roof of a hotel. We were sat eating with a Mexican man. Everyone around us was Mexican. The man on our table was served jacket potatoes with sour cream, bacon and cheese. It looked amazing. David was served and then all of a sudden we were walking across a car park. I said "did you tip them?" He said "no." I said "Did you even eat any of it? Did you get a to-go box?". He said "no, go and see if it's still there." I got in the elevator to the top of the lift but the food had gone.

Then I was on the London Underground. It was really busy. There was an announcement. It was for me. It said something like, "This is an announcement for Jason. it's Lara. I was wondering if you would take me out on a date." I realised Lara Baker was sat in the next carriage, her eyes looking into her lap, saying everything. She finished what she was saying and I didn't want to let her down in front of a busy train so I said, "yes."


On the beach with Mum and friend. Tsunami.

I was on the beach with Mum and her best friend Juliet. Juliet was sitting much further back from the sea than we were. I sat imagining if somebody moved a wall further along and the water came up and washed everyone away.


Death, Class at Tesco, Bus Fire, Filming, Tesco Bar.

I had several dreams last night and remember bits of most of them.

The furthest back I can remember, I saw some people being killed again.

I then dreamt I was at school, then I went into the classroom and it was where the cash office is at tesco. I had the golden globes gift bag with me and the teacher said something to me that made me angry and want to leave. I went out the fire exit and walked across the car park.

I got on a school bus but for some reason I had information they were all going to catch fire. And our one did.

I was walking along the Rye River again and I wanted to film a short movie. I needed actors and all of a sudden there was a guy and a girl. And Lee Haynes was walking along in front of me. Then I was in a room with Lee and the guy was called Niall. And then we were walking down a corridor at school and Niall gave me a card and said if I ever needed homework doing to call him.

Then I was at a tesco staff room bar. Emmaleyne's sister was buying me a large orange juice which came in a flower vase with fruit. They asked what I wanted sprinkled on top and i said nothing, and they said that's not going to look good, it's not finished. and then all the ice and fruit rose to the top of the orange juice and i said "finished". I sat down to drink it and was talking to Seth MacFarlane about something. He realised Niall was sat behind me and went into a Family Guy voice.


Puppy Tadpole Hunting.

I've forgotten several dreams which has annoyed me.

Last night we were walking along the Rye river when we heard a horn up ahead. There was a dog running across water attacking something in the water. It sounded horrible. There was a small crowd. We got closer and saw that in the water were puppy tadpoles, and that the dog killing them was to control numbers.

On the way inside, David had a conversation with Woody Allen about hunting. They both agreed there must be other ways to control the numbers.


Brother buys stereo, Porn, Mila singing.

I dreamt my brother Jack was trying to fix some stereo speakers.

I then dreamt that I was in the same room as a porn that was being filmed. I wanted it on DVD, but in place of buying the dvd I had to buy hand soap etc.

I then was back with my brother and he had bought a giant speaker/keyboard combination system. I couldn't believe it, I asked him how, where he'd gotten the money for it. It's too big for him to even carry.

Then I was in a toilet in a club and Mila was being made to sing. She was getting ready in the mens bathroom. A lady came to the door to get Mila and I could hear a man singing in the club.


Fires, my clothes, meal with a stranger.

My Nan was driving us home, Gramp was in the passenger seat. Every way we tried to get back to their house was a fire engine. We went up a hill and turned right and the house was on fire. Then the house behind us was on fire. Then I was in my Aunt Pauline's car with her children. None of the children looked the same in real life. A girl in the back had my blazer on. Pauline had my trousers on. We got out of the car by the renault on london road. I asked if they were my trousers and she said no, and then realised they were and took them off in the street. She had leggings on underneath. Then I look down to see a mini child about 2ft tall. I asked how old he was and she said 7.

Then we were at home. The whole family was there but I only seem to remember Mum being sat to my left in a small kitchen. A man had bought us some meat and vegetables. Mum didn't want to cook for hm because he was the kind to judge and comment on everything. So I was cooking. Everything was ready at different times. The lamb was last to be served and as I served it he surprised Mum and Wayne with two small boxes which I think contained tickets for something. The lamb was the best thing of the meal and he distracted everyone while I served it.


Cole Mohr

I had a nother night full of drunken dreams last night, but all I can remember is Cole Mohr. I was at a party or something, I was trying not to stare.


Lost my handbag.

I dreamt that I had lost the handbag that was given at the golden globes. It was worth $500 and had loads of expensive stuff inside, including my wallet. I lost it in what seemed to be a gallery shop. I ran for miles trying to find it again, and asking in places I'd been but no one had it. Suddenly I was with Steph from Tesco who's a police officer, and they were in a tiny security office. There was people's belonging laid out in glass cabinets for sale. I ran back to the gallery and asked them. The lady behind the counter gave me a bag and I looked inside but it wasn't the one I lost, it belonged to the lady who was stood behind me. I was almost crying because I had to get a new driving license/ID and bank card and everything. And for some reason I only had one month to get it all, (an event in LA where I needed ID) and I thought it would be impossible.


Old lady stole my trolly, and landslide.

I was at the top of Amersham Hill in Wycombe. I was in what seemed to be a newsagents and I had 4 wheel along trollies, like old ladies have. I turned around and I had only 3. An old lady was outside with her friends and had my trolly. I got the police to go and get it from her. I was looking out of the window when all of a sudden half the hill dropped away in a landslide. I shouted to everybody and we were getting stuff together to take from the building. I think I took several laptop cases. Not looting, just so they didn't get wasted I think.

(I was looking out the window of Mila's house earlier in the day and imagined a landslide and me running telling her to get out.)



I dreamt my Grandad had died. I think I've had this dream before and there was actually two times this year where I thought he had died in real life.


Knife Gang at Grandads.

I was at home in Princes Risborough. The house had a long glass front, like an open plan bungalow. I saw a group of late teenage boys walk along the road with a big knife. I was at my Grandparents' house and I saw them again outside. I went to tell a community support officer. She didn't seem to be too bothered. I went back inside and I went upstairs and they were in the big back bedroom. I went downstairs to tell my Grandad and he said "Where are they? Let's raid them!" I was trying to stop him going up. Then I woke up. At 7am.


Christmas rumour and NY hotel.

It was Christmas at my Grandparents house. My Dad, Uncles, Aunts and their children were there. Some of my clothes were dirty so I hung them on the clothes line and was making tea to stain them with. My grandad said he'd heard somebody say I wasn't being very nice, and that I was horrible to people. I used about 10 tea bags but it wasn't really working. I ripped some open and poured the tea leaves into the water. I went outside to stain the clothes and my Aunt's were sat outside. They were on facebook and read that my dad's girlfriend Louise had written it about somebody else's children. It also said they behaved like they were two T's at a disco in a car number plate. I was happy that it wasn't about me after all. I went inside and my Uncle Stephen's son Ryan was sat on the kitchen worktop (which was in the living room). I was laughing at something with him. (I haven't seen him for years and probably won't).

I had another dream about being on a bus from a hotel in New York. I was also in the lift looking for the right floor in a hotel.