

I was going to a restaurant with some people I knew, but the chef was not there. I said I could do it, and went back to the kitchen. Somebody wanted a chicken breast but we only had breaded chicken. I tried to disappear unnoticed to go and buy what people had ordered. I had told the tab;e 5 more minutes, before realising I still hadn't started to cook the chicken breast. I put it in a tiny microwave oven, then I was woken up.


Apartment Murder, Gun, Dead girl comes back to life.

I had been watching the film Clue, and in the day had watched an American man shoot a some people at a school.

I dreamt I was in a huge old-fashioned apartment building. There was various parties going on in different rooms, I think there had been a school ball. In the room I was in a girl was shot. Blood splattered all over the walls. Everybody went crazy, nobody knew what to do. The lift was either full or not working I can't remember, but I was running down the thin staircase that ran down the middle of the building. It was pitch black and you could only see the next few stairs. It seemed that if you fell you would fall for miles into nothingness. deep. Then I was trying to explain to someone else that there had been a murder but they were just laughing at me. I went back up and the blood splattered on the walls had turned into black marker pen patterns from the top corner of the room downwards.
Then I dreamt something else before this dream continued.

I was sitting in a car, I had a gun in my pocket and a man started aiming a gun at people in the gas station (This is all in America). I was about to shoot him when he disappeared. David was in the car beside me in the passenger seat and he took the gun and asked me where I got it. I said from the murder upstairs. He looked and there was still 2 bullets in the gun. Then a policeman came and we tried to distract him from the gun. He ended up telling us we should go to an art exhibit near the park where there was a human bow.

Then I was climbing back up the stairs inside with some old people. Then Mila was near the dead girl. They had put a plastic bag over her head. But then she moved. She had come back to life.

Mike Watson again.

Once again I was sitting with my friend Leanne Watson's brother Mike. He told me that he'd had a dream about me. I thought this one was real since I dreamt about him a few weeks ago.

Plane Crash

I dreamt I was on a plane going down the runway. As we took off an engine burst into flames and the plane slid along the runway sideways. I looked back and there was flames pouring from one side of the plane to the other. I was sat over the wing and the door opened but people wouldn't leave the plane. I was shouting 'come on let's go' but people wouldn't move. I jumped out and was taking photos on my mobile phone when somebody told me that official pictures would be released. I took some more because I thought they were trying to cover it up.

Then I woke up and went back to sleep and had another dream. I was in the cockpit and a young couple were flying the plane. We seemed to be flying away from New York. I told them about what happened on the runway and the man flew the plane directly towards the sea until we almost crashed and the girl quickly pulled up and said 'let's go home' and we flew towards New York which was all silhouetted and sparkly.


Serial Killer

I'd spoken about my halloween serial killer outfit in the day and last night dreamt I could see a serial killer killing people. He would slit either their wrist or their neck and i could see the skin separate and blood pour out.