
Living in the past.

My grandad was driving me somewhere. We were following his car in the past, my old housemate James and me were sat facing backwards. We were drunk and singing to a song and put our arms around each other. I wondered what else we were going to do. Then my grandad and I were watching me and James on the satellite navigation screen in the car. We were flicking through camera angles but couldn't find the camera on the back of the car. We pulled up to a red light and the camera had stopped working. The other car was behind us. My grandad said 'I'll fix it' and got out and went to the car behind. I couldn't believe he had got out on the busy road. The camera was mounted on the corner of the other car and had bent outwards. He bent it back in so it was pointing at me and James. My Uncle Michael looked out of the car door and saw a silver Ford Granada, and said 'oh that's his old car isn't it?' Then he got back in and we drove away.



I was at a restaurant with David, Mila and I think Shannon. When it came to paying, the lady said that somebody had already paid the bill. The name was something like 'bigdick8'. Everybody went to leave and I almost left with my stuff, including my t shirt. As I put on my t shirt I realised even the camera was still on the table. Then a man stood up and began talking to me, in a very stalkerish way. Then I went to find the others and this man convinced someone to go in a car with him. They were doing cockney accents.


Grandparents, School, Airship.

My grandparents were driving me home from school. We seemed to go all the way around the roundabout at the bottom of Cryer's Hill towards Hughenden.

I was then back at school. As I walked in I did an impression of Mr. Cotter. He then shouted something a few feet away from us. People found my impression funny. We then went into the old drama room to the right of the school entrance. Chairs were set out and it was assembly. Some of my friends wouldn't go in, so I went and found a place down the front on my own. Afterwards I went to the front near Mrs. Smith's desk. I was looking for my shoes. She looked at me and asked how I was. I suddenly became quite emotional and burst out crying. I cried into her shoulder. She cried into mine. Then I continued to look for my shoes. I ran up past the nurses office under the bridge and there were some rucksacks and shoes in a pile but none of them were mine.

Then I was on an airship. David and Sax were on board. David and Sax had a disagreement and I said it's not the place to have a disagreement. David almost left the room through curtain before I reminded him we were in the sky. Then David and Sax were gone. I was on the ship with a lady who was telling me about the ship. I was listening to her and looking out of the window and I noticed an American school bus flew through the sky. I looked up and there seemed to be a bus station. It looked like a train station in the sky. I asked her and she explained and I realised it was normal. Then we landed in a car park. Annoyingly I've forgotten which car park. We let the air out of the ship and some teenagers though it was funny to jump all over it. I went over and they respected me and got off. I then rolled up the ship and there was a girl lying in the way, where I wanted to fold. I folded the ship over her face then lifted it off.


Moon, Brendan.

The goldfish we bought flew me in a rocket to the moon. I was wearing a space suit and could see my feet on the moon and the view of space. (Fisheye view.)

Brendan cooked a full English breakfast for my cousin Jazmine who said she ate it in the shower.


Photographer teaches music.

Photography tutor Andy Cantouris was teaching me Music in the old Virgin Megastore in High Wycombe.


My Grandparents, Yeasayer, Elton John, Barbara Windsor, Zac Efron, James Beasley.

My Nan and Grandad were driving home from either Weymouth or uni. Then they were watching themselves on a screen that said this is where they nearly crashed, the hub cap on the wheel seemed loose. The car that's filming drives past and you see nan is driving.

Then I was in an old school hall (like Berryfield). There was a music festival on the stage. I was on what seemed like the top of a bunk bed with Arran and people from school. Everyone had ipods and things out. The next band up was Yeasayer. Suddenly I was at the front and I noticed Elton john was sat on a chair in the front of the crowd and his legs were crossed up on the stage and he was dancing in his chair to Yeasayer. I leaned to my left to say to somebody 'oh my god it’s Elton' and then I looked to see their reaction and I was telling Elton. He began to walk back to his seat and I said 'oh my god I didn’t realise it was you! Can we come down the front with you?' So I went down. Then all of a sudden I walked past him onto the stage and benches were set out. I looked back and help Barbara Windsor up onto the stage. It was a wedding. Her bra had started to come out of her top and gotten twisted. I said 'oh Peggy'. And she slightly drunkenly repeated ‘oh Peggy’ and I said 'oh sorry I meant Barbara!' We sat down and Zac Efron was on the row in front of us. I had left my 3d camera at the back on the bed. I went back but had forgotten what it was I was looking for and thought it had been stolen. I saw other people’s stuff and thought I should take it in case it got stolen too. Then I saw my pictureviewer, I think I remembered that instead of my 3d camera. I went back and sat on the bench and then James sat beside me to my left. And I said 'oh my god you made it!'


Wedding Reception, Flower Arranging.

I was walking into a wedding reception with Mila. They staff said our tickets allowed us into the reception only, not the parties. (Like an award show). Mila said something like 'it's ok I'm talent.' We walked down a long long room and sat at a table with two old men. Usually the Mum and the bride go and watch tv during the reception but they couldn't so the bride and groom's Father's went. Most people had bought flowers. And they were making sure they would know who from. One lady put her flowers down with a sandwich board on top with a photo and info about who they were from. I saw people putting them all into a room of the hotel. I imagined the things you could do with 50 bouquets of flowers and went to the room to arrange them. Then when I picked up a couple, I was in a room in their house. I was going to move them into a room there but there was too many and I decided to go back to the reception. My Uncle Simon was there and I made a joke about you know me and flower arranging.
Then I was in a party with people from school and other people that age. There was a pool and everybody had been drinking. I then went over to Ben Grey and Richard Ive and made a breathy laugh, I was making fun of Richard's laugh.


Rooftop Restaurant. London Underground.

We were at a restaurant on the roof of a hotel. We were sat eating with a Mexican man. Everyone around us was Mexican. The man on our table was served jacket potatoes with sour cream, bacon and cheese. It looked amazing. David was served and then all of a sudden we were walking across a car park. I said "did you tip them?" He said "no." I said "Did you even eat any of it? Did you get a to-go box?". He said "no, go and see if it's still there." I got in the elevator to the top of the lift but the food had gone.

Then I was on the London Underground. It was really busy. There was an announcement. It was for me. It said something like, "This is an announcement for Jason. it's Lara. I was wondering if you would take me out on a date." I realised Lara Baker was sat in the next carriage, her eyes looking into her lap, saying everything. She finished what she was saying and I didn't want to let her down in front of a busy train so I said, "yes."