
On the beach with Mum and friend. Tsunami.

I was on the beach with Mum and her best friend Juliet. Juliet was sitting much further back from the sea than we were. I sat imagining if somebody moved a wall further along and the water came up and washed everyone away.


Death, Class at Tesco, Bus Fire, Filming, Tesco Bar.

I had several dreams last night and remember bits of most of them.

The furthest back I can remember, I saw some people being killed again.

I then dreamt I was at school, then I went into the classroom and it was where the cash office is at tesco. I had the golden globes gift bag with me and the teacher said something to me that made me angry and want to leave. I went out the fire exit and walked across the car park.

I got on a school bus but for some reason I had information they were all going to catch fire. And our one did.

I was walking along the Rye River again and I wanted to film a short movie. I needed actors and all of a sudden there was a guy and a girl. And Lee Haynes was walking along in front of me. Then I was in a room with Lee and the guy was called Niall. And then we were walking down a corridor at school and Niall gave me a card and said if I ever needed homework doing to call him.

Then I was at a tesco staff room bar. Emmaleyne's sister was buying me a large orange juice which came in a flower vase with fruit. They asked what I wanted sprinkled on top and i said nothing, and they said that's not going to look good, it's not finished. and then all the ice and fruit rose to the top of the orange juice and i said "finished". I sat down to drink it and was talking to Seth MacFarlane about something. He realised Niall was sat behind me and went into a Family Guy voice.


Puppy Tadpole Hunting.

I've forgotten several dreams which has annoyed me.

Last night we were walking along the Rye river when we heard a horn up ahead. There was a dog running across water attacking something in the water. It sounded horrible. There was a small crowd. We got closer and saw that in the water were puppy tadpoles, and that the dog killing them was to control numbers.

On the way inside, David had a conversation with Woody Allen about hunting. They both agreed there must be other ways to control the numbers.


Brother buys stereo, Porn, Mila singing.

I dreamt my brother Jack was trying to fix some stereo speakers.

I then dreamt that I was in the same room as a porn that was being filmed. I wanted it on DVD, but in place of buying the dvd I had to buy hand soap etc.

I then was back with my brother and he had bought a giant speaker/keyboard combination system. I couldn't believe it, I asked him how, where he'd gotten the money for it. It's too big for him to even carry.

Then I was in a toilet in a club and Mila was being made to sing. She was getting ready in the mens bathroom. A lady came to the door to get Mila and I could hear a man singing in the club.


Fires, my clothes, meal with a stranger.

My Nan was driving us home, Gramp was in the passenger seat. Every way we tried to get back to their house was a fire engine. We went up a hill and turned right and the house was on fire. Then the house behind us was on fire. Then I was in my Aunt Pauline's car with her children. None of the children looked the same in real life. A girl in the back had my blazer on. Pauline had my trousers on. We got out of the car by the renault on london road. I asked if they were my trousers and she said no, and then realised they were and took them off in the street. She had leggings on underneath. Then I look down to see a mini child about 2ft tall. I asked how old he was and she said 7.

Then we were at home. The whole family was there but I only seem to remember Mum being sat to my left in a small kitchen. A man had bought us some meat and vegetables. Mum didn't want to cook for hm because he was the kind to judge and comment on everything. So I was cooking. Everything was ready at different times. The lamb was last to be served and as I served it he surprised Mum and Wayne with two small boxes which I think contained tickets for something. The lamb was the best thing of the meal and he distracted everyone while I served it.


Cole Mohr

I had a nother night full of drunken dreams last night, but all I can remember is Cole Mohr. I was at a party or something, I was trying not to stare.


Lost my handbag.

I dreamt that I had lost the handbag that was given at the golden globes. It was worth $500 and had loads of expensive stuff inside, including my wallet. I lost it in what seemed to be a gallery shop. I ran for miles trying to find it again, and asking in places I'd been but no one had it. Suddenly I was with Steph from Tesco who's a police officer, and they were in a tiny security office. There was people's belonging laid out in glass cabinets for sale. I ran back to the gallery and asked them. The lady behind the counter gave me a bag and I looked inside but it wasn't the one I lost, it belonged to the lady who was stood behind me. I was almost crying because I had to get a new driving license/ID and bank card and everything. And for some reason I only had one month to get it all, (an event in LA where I needed ID) and I thought it would be impossible.


Old lady stole my trolly, and landslide.

I was at the top of Amersham Hill in Wycombe. I was in what seemed to be a newsagents and I had 4 wheel along trollies, like old ladies have. I turned around and I had only 3. An old lady was outside with her friends and had my trolly. I got the police to go and get it from her. I was looking out of the window when all of a sudden half the hill dropped away in a landslide. I shouted to everybody and we were getting stuff together to take from the building. I think I took several laptop cases. Not looting, just so they didn't get wasted I think.

(I was looking out the window of Mila's house earlier in the day and imagined a landslide and me running telling her to get out.)



I dreamt my Grandad had died. I think I've had this dream before and there was actually two times this year where I thought he had died in real life.


Knife Gang at Grandads.

I was at home in Princes Risborough. The house had a long glass front, like an open plan bungalow. I saw a group of late teenage boys walk along the road with a big knife. I was at my Grandparents' house and I saw them again outside. I went to tell a community support officer. She didn't seem to be too bothered. I went back inside and I went upstairs and they were in the big back bedroom. I went downstairs to tell my Grandad and he said "Where are they? Let's raid them!" I was trying to stop him going up. Then I woke up. At 7am.


Christmas rumour and NY hotel.

It was Christmas at my Grandparents house. My Dad, Uncles, Aunts and their children were there. Some of my clothes were dirty so I hung them on the clothes line and was making tea to stain them with. My grandad said he'd heard somebody say I wasn't being very nice, and that I was horrible to people. I used about 10 tea bags but it wasn't really working. I ripped some open and poured the tea leaves into the water. I went outside to stain the clothes and my Aunt's were sat outside. They were on facebook and read that my dad's girlfriend Louise had written it about somebody else's children. It also said they behaved like they were two T's at a disco in a car number plate. I was happy that it wasn't about me after all. I went inside and my Uncle Stephen's son Ryan was sat on the kitchen worktop (which was in the living room). I was laughing at something with him. (I haven't seen him for years and probably won't).

I had another dream about being on a bus from a hotel in New York. I was also in the lift looking for the right floor in a hotel.