
Speedboat, Monkey, Sambuca.

I was on a large speedboat with my Nan, my Grandad and my cousin Sheneece. It was speeding across the biggest waves I'd ever seen. And bouncing and hitting the waves really hard. People were flying up in the air and landing back in the boat and holding on for their lives. It was open-top and waves would crash into the boat. We were sat in a horseshoe shaped seat. When it was calm, Olly came and sat next to me.

Then I was in David's bedroom, which was G7 my first form room at Misbourne (Skyrme's room). and David was further along in Mr. Rogers' room. The bed was up against a wall and I noticed a hole in the wall, about 2cm wide. My first reaction was it was a spyhole. Then I realised other holes, some going through the pillows. Then I realised a triangular hole about 20cm wide. Then a big rectangular hole nearer to the floor. I was looking through and saw a tiny monkey working on the next room. I stood back up and Mily was stood beside me, I told her to look through. and she looked and saw the monkey but acted like it was completely normal. The monkey ran around us and I was really uncomfortable.

Then I had a flat in Nottingham with Christian. I had Sambuca in the freezer and got home to find Robert Cranberry from school in our kitchen. I thought he was pouring my sambuca but it was a different bottle.


Stolen Suitcase.

I was back in Nottingham. I was stood outside the hotel on the hill up to mine and james' old apartment. I put my suitcase down and took a step towards the apartment. Then somebody ran away with my case. It had expensive camera equipment in. Then I was in a building near where the castle is which seemed like a lost and found. My case was there but when I opened it all that was inside was an empty golf bag, the same one as Luca Iemi took from a skip once.


Fashion show, TV Interview, Zennith, New Room.

I walked out of a warehouse into a crowd of people and told a lady my name was Richard. She then took me to a camera and asked me about the fashion show inside and I gave an interview. Then I walked away and saw Thomas Zennith, Peter Kent and 3 others all dressed in matching suits and coats. Thomas said 'we even got the silk scarves' and they all took them out of the coats and showed me. Then I was back in Nottingham and I had a new bedroom. A bit like my room in year 2 but reversed and with a wooden floor. I was excited to start uni again, then I woke up.


Skyrme pub, locals, world map, Radio, Danny Baker, Family Meal, Naked Wycombe hospital

Dreamt that Mr. Skyrme, my old school teacher had opened his own bar. In the entrance there was a giant world map on various screens, the UK was sideways. On the desk there was a basket of keys for the local businesses who use the bar as they wish after hours. One lady came in and was shouting about someone losing her key. Then I was in a radio station. Danny Baker was talking with some others. Then he was walking opposite Staples in High Wycombe. Then I was at the top of that road running down towards the hospital naked. I had been out with James. Then we were in a club, I was getting my clothes. Then I was at a family meal. Jaz, Maizie, and a random neighbour were there. The neighbour had a problem with his toast being too cold. He wanted new toast and joked that he would bring it up if something ever happened between us and him. Then the giant map from Mr. Skyrme's bar was over the other side of the room and we were in there having the meal.


Family gathering, speech, weeing.

I was in a big house with my family. I need to use the toilet and I went into one and realised it had no roof. You could wee and look at the stars. Then it was the daytime and there was loads of people round. It was sunny, everyone was having fun (which is the opposite of life back home at the moment.) Then I needed to pee again. The toilet was taken. I used the one which was outside, it was just in the middle of the grass so people could see me, but I was bursting. Then I needed to go again, I went inside to find a different toilet. Then Wayne was giving a speech about family and things. It was a poem 4 lines long, which summed up what family is. Then I needed to pee again, I went over to use the one on the grass then a lady and her husband turned up. As I tried to stop peeing, some went on the lady's coat. She realised and I explained that every time I went I just needed to go again, and that it was stinging, I was bursting. She said to ignore the stings and go and eat with everybody. People were finishing off their meals, some had left the outdoor tables, I sat with a newspaper. Then I needed to go again, and Mum told me there was only 1 toilet, but I said no there's at least 5, as we were in a huge house, which was where the tennis courts are on the Misbourne playing field.
I woke up and was bursting. I drank some vodka orange juice last night.


Klaxons/LACMA Nightmare.

Me and David and the Klaxons were on a merry-go-round which was the shape of the metal sculpture by Richard Serra. Like two horse shoes. After we got off David and I were walking to the car park, through what felt like the 90s wycombe bus station. We were at the bottom of some stairs in a small room and had to leave through one door. Outside the door I could see a silhouette of a man but I thought, we have to just be calm and walk through. I got hit over the back of the head and woke up.


Blurry picture.

Yesterday I was asked to take a picture of a group of people. It was on a mobile phone and I glanced and thought it was a little blurry. This played on my mind and last night I dreamt I was asked again to take a picture of a class of students in a school. It was in LA and I was a teacher. The class was too big and I tried to take one picture of one side of the room and one of the other. It didn't really work and I was annoyed for whoever asked for the picture. Then everyone went outside and got on two big buses. Probably meaning they were leaving and I had no chance of taking a good picture of them, like in the daytime where the people had been leaving a restaurant (Bob's Big Boy). Carl Wood from school was randomly in the dream.


New York.

Landed in New York. Met Duane Michals in the airport, seemed younger and hesitant to work something out even though I was already meeting him. He seemed to look like the 40 year old version of himself, with a polo neck top on and 60's womens sunglasses. Then he left and I went out onto the street. But I needed to go back up into the airport because I didn't know where I was going. I asked some girls on the street but they were sarcastic and showed me a ladder. Then I met somebody who was also lost and had been laughed at by the girls. We shared a cab to a hostel not far away. It was going to be my birthday so we walked from the hostel into the darkness at the bottom of cryer's hill in england. then I was in a computer room with Taylor Lautner. then I was with a group of people I was taking out for my birthday. David and James were there. James slid down a banister. We were at a train station. I was trying to get the music at the train station changed because I thought we were already at the place..which was ice-skating. Before I knew it we were on our way home with leftover food, a lady who I used to see shopping in Tesco was trying to take my leftovers, I told her I'd eaten with these weird people whodress weirdly a few days before, and that I didn't like the food and she could have it, and that it was on the other side of the train station. Then the weird people walked past me and I was worried they'd heard me saying they were weird. They were in green cloaks and capes. Then we got to the other platform in the train station and there was a lunchbox on the ground, and inside was some meat. The lady didn't want the weird people's food but took everything else. Then I was on the phone to my Dad and David was telling him how I'd taken them 6 miles away just to go out for a birthday, and I was saying that it might be far for him but in England it's really not far.


Theme Park, Escalator, Plane.

I was walking through a theme park with Simon Butler (like in the picture of us at the swap-meet). He walked off ahead a bit and saw some claw machines. There was one where a child could climb in and be grabbed. Then I realised toys were in the collection window. So I picked one up. Then I looked in the other machines and found one with loads of money in it. There were pound coins everywhere. I was trying to pick up as many as I could without being noticed. I must have picked up about £50. Walking along I thought I split it with Simon but he said something like "oh it's only about £10 isn't it" and I didn't really say anything.
Then we were going down an escalator and there was a jet with a bow around it from Mila. At first I didn't realised the bow and thought it was our plane, but we couldn't believe how small it was. I was a little worried. Then we were shooting down a runway and we just about fit under the bridge, I thought the tail was going to scrape the bridge but it didn't. Then the plane dropped us off, turned out it was just taking us down to our normal plane.
Then we were back in the theme park and one of simon's friends had a white tshirt and a green vest on over it. And several other people in the park were wearing it and getting angry at him. I told him to take it off but it was like he wasn't hearing me.


Family gathering, Bubbles.

The night before I dreamt about as much as I did last night. But I forgot to write it up, so I remember none of it. Apart from I think we had a family gathering, and randomly there was a bubble machine in the room.

Cancer, Old best friend, Doll girl, Library train, Escalators

I've been having a lot of dreams this week. Last night I dreamt that I was seeing a doctor about something. Then after it had finished I went on a huge web of escalators, then I had to go back to the doctors. A boy in there (robbyugh on tumblr) was in the middle of telling the doctor what was wrong. There was something wrong with his ankle and something else. The doctor put a remote control near his ankle, and out of all the things on the control, cancer lit up. He started to ask loads of questions about it, I started to cry and had to go outside. Still crying I found myself on a train with wood cladding all the walls, more like an old 70s house. I was in a room similar to my old bedroom on Eastfield Road, with an old best friend Richard Ive. I went to the toilet and everything had secret doors. While I was using the toilet I pushed the door ahead of me and it was another closet of books you could barely stand in. Then I was at a summer fete. I seemed to be part of a school selling stuff from a window. I went and stood between the two people selling stuff and helped them sort out a man who was being difficult. Then the girl on my left was letting people sign up to come to her birthday party making dolls, months ahead from now. She got out the list and said great, another new friend. I had to go back to the car for something, along the huge escalators.