
Dream notes

Sometimes I will come across notes, where I have planned to write down my dreams later in the day. These are some I have no memory of writing down.

Granddad, Stephen

Johnny depp

Mailing in monks

I also found these, but I can remember what they were in relation to:

Davids Mum - We were all sat on an L shaped sofa. Nobody was speaking. It was the first time I'd met David's Mum and she broke the ice and said something funny, but I don't remember what. Something about what I was wearing maybe.

Cat legs - I looked over and saw a cat but only it's legs were showing. It was sat, and it's front legs appeared to be floating.

Family visit LA

My family came to LA. I was showing them the house, the bathtub had a viewing window in it it was so big. We went on a walk, it seemed like Runyon Canyon. Uncle James took Wayne's bike from the bridge. We all were walking home when he forgot he'd left the bike at the bridge, then he came back with a different bike and was riding fast in case somebody realised it was theirs. Mum was back at the house. Jack was there but not Luke.