
Kitchen, Theatre with photographers.

Mila was telling a lady that the reason the kitchen smelled so bad was because I left stuff lying around for days. She didn't realise I was beside her and didn't expect me to start shouting. I said that it wasn't me and that I always clear up after myself.

I was with a group of people who were doing a range of drugs.

I was outside the back of a theatre. There was a mixture of cars and picnic tables. The back of the theatre was glass and we could see the crowd and somebody speaking on stage. My friends from school were all photographers. We didn't have tickets but were about to try and go inside when I saw Richard Ive's mum. I told her that my digital camera had stopped working and that I mostly shoot on my film camera now. She told me about how James tucker was selling a camera online for £18,000 and that he wanted a £500 online fee too. I think inside was a mixture of an orchestra of old men and kermit puppets.

The kitchen smells a bit. We recently watched the Sherman Brothers story and almost went to see Sesame Street be filmed, and in January met Kermit, and yesterday was at a theatre, so it was probably a combination of those things.