
Charlie Chaplin

An old man with shaved grey/white hair was staying in Mila's room. We were watching a film with him and another guy in the screening room which was where Mila's office is. The movie finished and the lights went up and I looked over and realised it was Charlie Chaplin. He was wearing a velvet blazer with 4 pin badges on the left side. They were 4 crescent moons in different sizes. The biggest also had pearls etc on it. I sat and listened to him talking about the film thinking about how much I loved the 4 moon pins.

We were then at a school hall, much like the sports hall at Misbourne. The room was very dark, as black sheets had been placed all around the edge and middle of the room, hanging from the cieling. There was a couple of hundred children sitting cross-legged on the floor to the right. They were listening to somebody talk. The person finished talking, the black curtains moved upwards and Charlie Chaplin was sat in the shair. The other man who was in the screening room was sat to the left side of the room. I watched the whole thing from a staircase halfway up the wall at the side of the room. Stairs went down to the left and down to the right.

I then was using the toilet and making really loud noises. I heard else somebody upstairs and it turned out to be an actor. He looked like Frank Spencer but he was an American actor. He opened the door. I was so embarrassed. I told him that I thought it was somebody else and that the noise was just a joke. He smiled and closed the door.

I woke up, let Audrey the dog outside to pee and then came back to bed. I had another dream but I've unfortunately forgotten it.