
Horses, Pagan party, House party.

I was watching a film with some men on horses being shot at. They seemed to be in a corn field at nighttime. The camera was very close-up at rider level. The sky just above them was misty, and lit up as if by studio lighting. (It looked like a halloween maze I went to recently). It looked half like it was filmed in the 70s but half was crystal clear. A loud shot happened. A man on a horse said oh no, you've done it. But then he moved aside and there was a boy on his horse behind him who had taken the hit. But the shot had gone into the neck of his horse, and the horse had put his head to the ground. The boy had no horse and had to find another one to keep going with all the men. But he couldn't so he walked the rest of the journey. When he did catch up he came across a party in a large open space with 3 tiered levels going down. The men he had been riding with had sat around a table. The sky was still dark and he couldn't believe he had made it. He went over to join the table. Joel Ramirez was one of the men, sat in a brown robe. They were discussing how they were glad to finally be there at the pagan party. But the an old man walked out of the corn, and said what are you all doing here? He too had a brown robe but with a big rope around him. Then everybody looked around and realised they had gone to the wrong party, which was actually a reunion for older pagans. All the men laughed and some, including me, took some pictures. I tried to fit in all 3 tiers of people so you could see us and the old men whose party it was. Then all of a sudden I was in my own house at home, where another party was happened. Wayne was drunk and danced in front of me for a photo. Then I woke up.