
Skiing Millionaire.

I was on a mountain, walking along a roadside, and I thought, what if this snow above me fell and completely covered me. Could I breathe? How long would it take them to get me out? I imagined the tube they used to get the Chilean miners out, but I wondered how they would know where I was. So I moved away from the cliff of snow I was stood underneath.
Then I was stood in the mud room of Mila's house. The room was full of girls and there was colourful lights each side of the door. Then I was weaving cotton around one of the lights and making a pond and pretending to fish in the pond with a piece of cotton. Then Claire Winser from school came over and suggested we go on holiday. The house was mine and I was a millionaire. (I pretended I was in a relationship with Claire at school to annoy somebody once.)