
Fires, my clothes, meal with a stranger.

My Nan was driving us home, Gramp was in the passenger seat. Every way we tried to get back to their house was a fire engine. We went up a hill and turned right and the house was on fire. Then the house behind us was on fire. Then I was in my Aunt Pauline's car with her children. None of the children looked the same in real life. A girl in the back had my blazer on. Pauline had my trousers on. We got out of the car by the renault on london road. I asked if they were my trousers and she said no, and then realised they were and took them off in the street. She had leggings on underneath. Then I look down to see a mini child about 2ft tall. I asked how old he was and she said 7.

Then we were at home. The whole family was there but I only seem to remember Mum being sat to my left in a small kitchen. A man had bought us some meat and vegetables. Mum didn't want to cook for hm because he was the kind to judge and comment on everything. So I was cooking. Everything was ready at different times. The lamb was last to be served and as I served it he surprised Mum and Wayne with two small boxes which I think contained tickets for something. The lamb was the best thing of the meal and he distracted everyone while I served it.