
Speedboat, Monkey, Sambuca.

I was on a large speedboat with my Nan, my Grandad and my cousin Sheneece. It was speeding across the biggest waves I'd ever seen. And bouncing and hitting the waves really hard. People were flying up in the air and landing back in the boat and holding on for their lives. It was open-top and waves would crash into the boat. We were sat in a horseshoe shaped seat. When it was calm, Olly came and sat next to me.

Then I was in David's bedroom, which was G7 my first form room at Misbourne (Skyrme's room). and David was further along in Mr. Rogers' room. The bed was up against a wall and I noticed a hole in the wall, about 2cm wide. My first reaction was it was a spyhole. Then I realised other holes, some going through the pillows. Then I realised a triangular hole about 20cm wide. Then a big rectangular hole nearer to the floor. I was looking through and saw a tiny monkey working on the next room. I stood back up and Mily was stood beside me, I told her to look through. and she looked and saw the monkey but acted like it was completely normal. The monkey ran around us and I was really uncomfortable.

Then I had a flat in Nottingham with Christian. I had Sambuca in the freezer and got home to find Robert Cranberry from school in our kitchen. I thought he was pouring my sambuca but it was a different bottle.