
Grandparents, School, Airship.

My grandparents were driving me home from school. We seemed to go all the way around the roundabout at the bottom of Cryer's Hill towards Hughenden.

I was then back at school. As I walked in I did an impression of Mr. Cotter. He then shouted something a few feet away from us. People found my impression funny. We then went into the old drama room to the right of the school entrance. Chairs were set out and it was assembly. Some of my friends wouldn't go in, so I went and found a place down the front on my own. Afterwards I went to the front near Mrs. Smith's desk. I was looking for my shoes. She looked at me and asked how I was. I suddenly became quite emotional and burst out crying. I cried into her shoulder. She cried into mine. Then I continued to look for my shoes. I ran up past the nurses office under the bridge and there were some rucksacks and shoes in a pile but none of them were mine.

Then I was on an airship. David and Sax were on board. David and Sax had a disagreement and I said it's not the place to have a disagreement. David almost left the room through curtain before I reminded him we were in the sky. Then David and Sax were gone. I was on the ship with a lady who was telling me about the ship. I was listening to her and looking out of the window and I noticed an American school bus flew through the sky. I looked up and there seemed to be a bus station. It looked like a train station in the sky. I asked her and she explained and I realised it was normal. Then we landed in a car park. Annoyingly I've forgotten which car park. We let the air out of the ship and some teenagers though it was funny to jump all over it. I went over and they respected me and got off. I then rolled up the ship and there was a girl lying in the way, where I wanted to fold. I folded the ship over her face then lifted it off.