
My Grandparents, Yeasayer, Elton John, Barbara Windsor, Zac Efron, James Beasley.

My Nan and Grandad were driving home from either Weymouth or uni. Then they were watching themselves on a screen that said this is where they nearly crashed, the hub cap on the wheel seemed loose. The car that's filming drives past and you see nan is driving.

Then I was in an old school hall (like Berryfield). There was a music festival on the stage. I was on what seemed like the top of a bunk bed with Arran and people from school. Everyone had ipods and things out. The next band up was Yeasayer. Suddenly I was at the front and I noticed Elton john was sat on a chair in the front of the crowd and his legs were crossed up on the stage and he was dancing in his chair to Yeasayer. I leaned to my left to say to somebody 'oh my god it’s Elton' and then I looked to see their reaction and I was telling Elton. He began to walk back to his seat and I said 'oh my god I didn’t realise it was you! Can we come down the front with you?' So I went down. Then all of a sudden I walked past him onto the stage and benches were set out. I looked back and help Barbara Windsor up onto the stage. It was a wedding. Her bra had started to come out of her top and gotten twisted. I said 'oh Peggy'. And she slightly drunkenly repeated ‘oh Peggy’ and I said 'oh sorry I meant Barbara!' We sat down and Zac Efron was on the row in front of us. I had left my 3d camera at the back on the bed. I went back but had forgotten what it was I was looking for and thought it had been stolen. I saw other people’s stuff and thought I should take it in case it got stolen too. Then I saw my pictureviewer, I think I remembered that instead of my 3d camera. I went back and sat on the bench and then James sat beside me to my left. And I said 'oh my god you made it!'