
New York.

Landed in New York. Met Duane Michals in the airport, seemed younger and hesitant to work something out even though I was already meeting him. He seemed to look like the 40 year old version of himself, with a polo neck top on and 60's womens sunglasses. Then he left and I went out onto the street. But I needed to go back up into the airport because I didn't know where I was going. I asked some girls on the street but they were sarcastic and showed me a ladder. Then I met somebody who was also lost and had been laughed at by the girls. We shared a cab to a hostel not far away. It was going to be my birthday so we walked from the hostel into the darkness at the bottom of cryer's hill in england. then I was in a computer room with Taylor Lautner. then I was with a group of people I was taking out for my birthday. David and James were there. James slid down a banister. We were at a train station. I was trying to get the music at the train station changed because I thought we were already at the place..which was ice-skating. Before I knew it we were on our way home with leftover food, a lady who I used to see shopping in Tesco was trying to take my leftovers, I told her I'd eaten with these weird people whodress weirdly a few days before, and that I didn't like the food and she could have it, and that it was on the other side of the train station. Then the weird people walked past me and I was worried they'd heard me saying they were weird. They were in green cloaks and capes. Then we got to the other platform in the train station and there was a lunchbox on the ground, and inside was some meat. The lady didn't want the weird people's food but took everything else. Then I was on the phone to my Dad and David was telling him how I'd taken them 6 miles away just to go out for a birthday, and I was saying that it might be far for him but in England it's really not far.